Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, A.D.H.D. and A.D.D., Cerebral Palsy, Selective Mutism, Seizure Disorders, Digestive Disorders, Brain Injuries, Emotional Disorders, Genetic Disorders, Birth trauma, as well as many others benefit from Massage Therapy.
My approach to Pediatric and Special Needs Massage is not limited solely to the child. Working along with family members, caregivers, therapists and medical professionals provides the necessary pieces of the puzzle to address the individual needs of each child.
Some of the benefits of massage for children with special needs include:
- Sensory integration
- Increased attention
- Improved sleep through relaxation
- Improving digestion
- Improving the immune system
- Improving body awareness
We have a dedicated number for pediatric and infant massage:

Massage therapy may also address certain medical conditions by facilitating the body’s innate ability to heal. Specific bodywork may:
- Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system.
- Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
- Increase joint flexibility.
- Lessen depression and anxiety.
- Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
- Reduce spasms and cramping.
- Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller.
- Relieve migraine pain and headaches.
- Decrease chronic pain in muscles and joints.